About Us

Student in Front of Class
Horizon Honors Elementary School

Kindergarten – 6

Enrollment: 829

School Hours:
Kindergarten (Half Day): 8 to 11 a.m.
Kindergarten (Full Day): 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Grades 1-4: 8:15 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Grades 5-6: 8 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

Staff to Student Ratios:
Kindergarten: 1 to 13 (1 teacher & 1 teacher assistant)
Grades 1-4: 1 to 20 (2 teachers & 1 teacher assistant)
Grades 5-6: 1 to 30

Recent Accolades:

  • "Best Elementary School Teacher" in The Best of Ahwatukee
  • Designated a “No Place for Hate” School by the Anti-Defamation League
  • Designated a “Mix It Up” Model School by the Southern Poverty Law Center
  • "Kindness Certified" School
 A Rated Logo No Place for Logo logo  Ahwatukee Best Of Logo certified kindness school logo  Mix It Up Logo 

Horizon Honors Elementary School believes the basis for real learning and understanding is by “doing.” Student learning is demonstrated by the application of new knowledge and skills resulting in an authentic display of their understanding and accomplishments. Our integrated, “gifted education for all” approach involves students solving real-life problems through cooperative, thematic, hands-on/minds-on experiences, so students understand how their classes, like life, are linked together.

Students learn through varied educational approaches and develop measurable academic and social goals to grow as learners.  We provide this program by systematically grouping, differentiating, and challenging students at their appropriate instructional level. Teachers implement and evaluate assessment data regularly, sharing the results and collaborating with students and families to meet students’ goals.

Horizon Honors Elementary School’s goal is to maintain students’ joy and enthusiasm for learning so academic achievement and setting high standards become a lifestyle. This goal, along with leadership skills, problem-solving abilities, and character development, define the people they are meant to be.

Multi-Age Groupings:
Students experience multi-age classrooms in grades 1-2, grades 3-4, and grades 5-6. Multi-age groupings allow placement of students in classes based on their academic abilities as well as their grade.
These groupings allow students to be challenged at their appropriate instructional levels. 

© 2024 Horizon Honors Schools